Rep. Rosenthal Speaks with Illinois State Dental Society Members

Springfield, IL… The Illinois State Dental Society (ISDS) held its annual session meeting at the Abe Lincoln Hotel. Rep. Rosenthal (R-Morrisonville) was honored to attend this important meeting and provided ISDS members with legislation updates that affect dental offices and patients across Illinois.

“The Illinois State Dental Society continues to lead by example and fight for legislation that benefits the people of Illinois and not insurance companies,” Rep. Rosenthal said. “One of their top priorities is to allocate funding that reaches low-income families. I think having an organization that strives to help families in need of dental care is a gift to so many residents throughout our community.”

The Illinois State Dental Society was founded in 1865 and continues to achieve its mission of optimizing dental health care through education, legislation, and communication. Their core values such as integrity, diversity, and advocacy have created a bright future in organized dentistry in Illinois.

This year, the ISDS Foundation awarded ten organizations with $75,000 of grant money for projects that provide access to dental care and additional oral health awareness and education.