House Republicans pursue increased election integrity in Illinois

House Republicans introduced several initiatives this year aimed at increasing election integrity in Illinois. The bills targeted the State Board of Elections to set up and maintain a system to track all mail-in ballots, required voter ID cards or another form of ID to vote, and ensured deceased individuals are removed from voter rolls.

“The only way to ensure voter integrity is to require legal voters to present their state issued ID,” Rep. Rosenthal stated. “If individuals vote-by-mail, they should be verified before their ballet is approved. People deserve transparency from their government, whether it’s a blue or red state and that starts with an overhaul on policies within the vote-by-mail process.”

Illinois voters are not required to show government ID when they show up to vote in person on Election Day, with an exception if the voter registered for the first time by mail and didn’t submit their driver’s license, state ID number, or the last four digits of their social security number. Those individuals must show an accepted form of ID with their home address on it. 

The pandemic and the November 2020 election may have forever changed how some people vote in Illinois and across the country. The popularity of voting by mail is expected to continue to grow in the future, which makes strengthening its overall system critically important. 

Instances of someone impersonating a deceased person and voting in their name are rare, but nonetheless it is important to keep voter rolls updated. This is one part of the integrity of the election process, and House Republicans in Illinois are determined to move these initiatives forward. Democrats continue to ignore these common-sense reforms and instead play politics with a process that should not be compromised in any way.

Judge orders new primary election after seeing video showing possible ballot-stuffing

Read about the illegal ballot-stuffing here: