Rep. Rosenthal Responds to ISP Committee Meeting about Firearm Ban


Springfield, IL… State Representative Wayne Rosenthal (R-Morrisonville) attended the Illinois State Police (ISP) Committee Meeting in Springfield. The public and legislators weighed in on real concerns surrounding the Protect Illinois Communities Act. Over 170 firearms including the AK-47, certain attachments, 50-caliber cartridges, and magazines are banned. Rifles can longer accommodate more than 10 rounds, with a 15-round limit for handguns.

“After this meeting, one thing is certain and that is there is many unanswered questions that pertain to this law and constituents want to know if they are considered a criminal,” stated Rep. Rosenthal. “The concerns are growing, and this law needs to be delayed until the Supreme Court makes their decision on if this legislation is constitutional.”

Governor Pritzker quickly signed the Protect Illinois Communities Act into law January 10, 2023. The intention was to curb violence; however, many law-abiding citizens and legislators see this law as unconstitutional and that it violates their Second Amendments rights.

Earlier this year, a lawsuit was presented to the Illinois Supreme Court who ultimately voted 4-3 that this law is constitutional. Recently, a judge in California ruled that the state’s assault weapons ban was unconstitutional, which very well might have an impact on Illinois’ law.
