Rep. Rosenthal Views the Election Omnibus Bill as Failed Democracy


Springfield, IL…Yesterday in the Illinois House of Representatives, we witnessed a bold move from Democrats. SB2412 was introduced on the House floor with absolutely no time for Republicans to analyze the bill’s language and true motive. State Representative Wayne Rosenthal (R-Morrisonville) says this bill was a last-minute ploy to rewrite our election laws.

“Elected officials should be open and honest with the people of Illinois and yesterday’s actions from Democrats are unethical,” said Rep. Rosenthal. “The process of passing SB2412 further highlights why people lose trust in their government.”

SB2412 is a backroom deal that took a DCFS Child Welfare bill and crafted it into an election bill that changes rules and removes voters’ choices. This bill is also framed to place non-binding questions on ballots to drive Democrat voters to the polls.

Rep. Rosenthal continued, “Abuse of power and political gain is the only truth behind this bill. If we truly stand for democracy, this bill would have gone through the proper legislative process with transparency for not just Republicans, but the general public.”

House and Senate Republicans both stood in unity against SB2412 and voted “present” to protest the unethical practices of Democrats and the need for honest government within the body of the General Assembly. Public trust in the state government is pivotal and yesterday was another example of trust being eroded.

For more information, contact Rep. Rosenthal’s office at 217-782-8071

Representative Wayne Rosenthal serves the constituents of Illinois’ 108th District which includes Menard County and portions of Christian, Macoupin, Montgomery, and Sangamon Counties.
