Rosenthal Veteran Bill Supported by Illinois Chamber of Commerce

HB 2288 amends the Illinois Procurement Code as it establishes procurement goals for veteran-owned small businesses. For this purpose, the term “small business” means a business that has
annual gross sales of less than $150,000,000 (rather than less than $75,000,000).

Simply put, this bill doubles the gross sales cap for businesses participating in the veteran owned business program. While this bill did not pass the Senate, its contents were put into the annual procurement omnibus. This initiative restored parity between veteran-owned firms and firms participating under the Business Enterprise for Minorities, Women, and Persons with Disabilities Act as existed before
the 102nd GA lame-duck session.

Chamber Position: Support
House Vote: 110-0-0
Senate Vote: NA
Outcome: Held in the Senate (bill content included in 2023 procurement omnibus)

Veteran Opens New Gun Range in Pawnee

Eddie Kimble is an Army Veteran who achieved his dream to own a gun range. He also makes history to be the second African American to open a gun range in the state of Illinois. Read more…