Rep. Rosenthal Opposes Largest Budget Proposal in Illinois History

SPRINGFIELD, IL… State Representative Wayne Rosenthal (R-Morrisonville) says he is opposed to Governor Pritzker’s Fiscal Year 2026 budget proposal, delivered to a joint Session of the House and Senate in Wednesday’s combined State of the State and Budget Address. Rosenthal says the Governor’s FY 26 budget adds an additional $2 Billion in spending.

“I was not impressed by the governor’s speech. It was more of a campaign style kick off for higher office,” commented Rep. Rosenthal. “The Governor’s proposed $55 billion budget is the largest in Illinois history – an unprecedented 38% increase since he took office. In addition to this massive spending, the budget is not balanced, leaving a $425 million deficit based on existing revenue numbers.”

Rosenthal points out that rather than prioritizing the needs of hardworking Illinois citizens, the Governor and his administration has spent $2.8 billion on illegal migrant programs and continues funding welcome shelters at taxpayers’ expense. No amount of blaming President Trump can erase the poor decisions and fiscal mismanagement of Illinois Democrats, who have wasted billions in taxpayer dollars.

“I will continue to fight for responsible spending and my priorities will continue to be the hardworking families, veterans, seniors, and those Illinoisans who truly need help during tough economic times,” added Rosenthal. “We need to meaningful budget reform and sound financial policies to help all Illinois families. All Illinois families need property tax relief — not more taxes and out-of-control government spending.”

For more information, contact Rep. Rosenthal’s office at 217-782-8071 or visit his website at

Representative Wayne Rosenthal serves the constituents of Illinois’ 108th District that includes Menard County and portions of Christian, Macoupin, Montgomery, and Sangamon Counties.
