Improving Literacy and Empowering Teachers in Illinois

House Republicans Have a Real Plan

The Literacy Improves Future Endeavors (LIFE) working group is focused on improving literacy and outcomes for all students. 

Literacy Improves Future Endeavors for Our Children
House Republicans are dedicated to improving literacy and outcomes for our students. We have proposed a bold legislative package that will improve reading scores, take action on the teacher shortage, and create more transparency between parents and schools.

Improving Literacy with a Real Plan
Our children deserve a bright future and that starts with reading at grade level or higher. That starts with a state-wide literacy plan that includes smaller class sizes, specialized content for teachers and a grant program to provide literacy specialists and reading coaches.

Recruiting and Retaining Teachers for Better Reading
Students learn better when there are enough teachers to give kids the personalized attention they need. House Republicans filed bills to give new teachers a faster path to the classroom, scholarships to improve dual credit options and new options for retired teachers to return.

Empowering Parents Through Increased Transparency
Children see more success when parents and teachers are working together. Parents deserve a voice in the what their kids are being taught, but the parent’s voice can help their student more when they are sitting across the table from their student’s teacher in the classroom instead of at a school board meeting. ISBE should take into account recommendations from parents about curriculum and content.

Legislation to Improve Outcomes for Kids 
We have proposed a bold legislative package that will address issues in our schools, take action on the teacher shortage, and create more transparency between parents and schools. More >>

“We need to stay focused on empowering our teachers and providing them with resources that enable students to reach their full potential,” said Rep. Rosenthal. ” It’s the proactive decisions we make now that will have an impact on students across Illinois”.

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