City of Litchfield Set to Receive $300,000 OSLAD Grant for Campground

Rep. Rosenthal is excited to share news of the City of Litchfield receiving an Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) Grant. The $300,000 grant, which is managed the Department of Natural Resources, will help improve and expand the Bicentennial Campground at Lake Lou Yaeger.

“This is a significant grant for the City of Litchfield and will have a huge impact on those that enjoy the Bicentennial Campground,” said Rep. Rosenthal. “Spending time outdoors and camping is a tradition for many families who want to connect with nature and this grant will help expand necessary amenities that will offer an even more pleasurable camping experience.”

The primary purpose of the grant is to expand the Bicentennial Campground by adding additional parking with electric, water, and sewer hookups. Other additions include a playground area, a shower house, grills, and a dog watering station.

There are currently 50 names on a waiting list to enjoy this popular campground. Expanding the campsites will offer more families the opportunity to connect with nature and each other.

To learn more about Bicentennial Campground, see the link below.

Embracing Nature is a key element to quality of life

Well-designed parks and trails are valued parts of the environment and offer individuals the opportunity to embrace nature. They can promote physical activity and community engagement while providing environmental and mental health benefits. Parks can also help reduce stress. In addition, an important interaction between parks and health is through physical activity, which in turn can improve health outcomes. Read more…