From the Farm and Into The School Springfield, IL…The Sangamon County Board approved a resolution that created the Farm to School Pilot Program. This program is aimed to build a…
Budget | Children BUDGET Illinois personal income tax revenue stream remains strong, for now. The report on December 2023 State of Illinois revenues, published this week by the Commission on Government…
January 9th is Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. Be sure to thank your local law enforcement officers for their bravery and sacrifice as they protect our communities! Here are some ideas…
Winter weather in Illinois can be dangerous, especially while traveling on the roads. Everyone should know and practice basic winter driving skills. By driving safely, you not only protect yourself,…
The colder months often bring higher energy bills for homeowners. If you live in the north with harsh winters, heating your home may be more expensive than cooling it in the summer….
Human trafficking and slavery are billion dollar industries that currently trap nearly 27 million people worldwide, including Illinois. This month let us remember how prevalent this issue is, even in…
I’m wishing everyone and their families a Happy New Year! I hope 2024 brings happiness and good health to everyone. Here is a look back at a few Capitol moments…
GENERAL ASSEMBLY Meet our newest legislators. This week the House Republican Caucus welcomed Nicole La Ha and Brandun Schweizer to its ranks. The two new legislators were appointed to fill vacancies created with the retirements of State…
I’m wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas! I hope this holiday is filled with joy and happiness as everyone spends quality time with their families and loved ones.
Former Chicago Alderman Ed Burke was found guilty of racketeering conspiracy by a federal jury today for using the power of his elected office to win private law business. Corruption…